"Mana shuning uchun imkoniyatim bo'lganida u erda o'ynamaslikka qaror qildim. Men barcha qora tanlilar bu chempionatdan ketishini istayman. To'g'ri, bu bilan u erdagilarning ahmoqliklari kamayib qolmaydi, ammo hech bo'lmaganda boshqa irq vakillari tasir o'tkaza olmaydilar", - deb yozgan Ba "Twitter" sahifasida.
Oldinroq, "Inter" muxlislari A Seriya 2-tur "Kalyari"ga qarshi o'yin paytida futbolchiga irqchilik munosabatida bo'lishgan.
Eslatib o'tamiz, Lukaku "Inter"ga shu yozda MYUdan o'tgan edi.
And here's the reason why I decided not to play there when I could... And at that point I wish all the black players would get out of this league! Surely it won't stop their stupidity and hate but at least they won't affect other races. https://t.co/whu1XexYmy
— Demba Ba (@dembabafoot) September 4, 2019